Who Can Benefit From IV Hydration?

Intravenous (IV) hydration lets you rapidly restore and replenish your body’s store of fluids. It takes much less time for IV fluids to completely hydrate your body than it would if you drank fluids for rehydration.
A wide range of people can potentially benefit from IV hydration treatment. You can use this service once or as a repeating treatment.
Among those who use the IV hydration services of Iconic Infusions, PLLC in Fayetteville, North Carolina are athletes looking to boost performance, people who need to recover from a strenuous physical experience or even get relief for a hangover, and patients who need support for flagging energy levels.
Could you benefit from IV hydration therapy this spring? Get in touch with the Iconic Infusions team, led by board-certified anesthesiologist Dr. Bryant S. Edwards, to learn if you could be a candidate for IV hydration.
Benefits of IV hydration
With IV hydration, you can enjoy rapid and effective results. The treatment itself is comfortable and relaxing. You rest for about an hour while your provider at Iconic Infusions monitors your IV drip.
Your hydration IV contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and water, delivered directly to your bloodstream for rapid uptake and quick results. You might start to feel relief of symptoms, including aches and fatigue, almost immediately.
And, with IV hydration therapy, there’s no need to recover after your treatment session. You can head out from Iconic Infusions feeling restored, energized, and ready to perform at your peak personal levels.
Who is a good candidate for IV hydration?
If you have symptoms of dehydration, including dry eyes, lips, tongue, and throat, or reduced urine output, IV hydration can get you feeling better, fast. A lack of focus can also be a symptom of dehydration, as can muscle aches and pains and persistent headaches and fatigue. When you’re fully hydrated, you have better mental and physical performance.
Whether you’re dehydrated because of a hangover, an intense workout session, or a medical condition or event, IV hydration can help. Let the team at Iconic Infusions review your health history and symptoms to determine if you’re a good candidate for IV hydration treatment.
After an initial consultation, including a thorough physical exam, your provider at Iconic Infusions can work with you on your personalized treatment plan. Depending on your condition, including information about your medical history, personal behaviors, and treatment needs, you may be able to benefit from regular IV hydration appointments.
To learn more about if IV hydration could be right for you, get in touch with Dr. Edwards and the team at Iconic Infusions, PLLC today. You can schedule your initial consultation appointment online, or call now to book.
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